A severe asthma attack can be quite scary and some steps must be taken to avoid complications. Attack asthma treatment is simple, but its timing is very important. You must identify those asthma triggers like pollen, dust, smoke, etc., so it's best to stay away from areas that may trigger an attack. Also some people are more prone to attack during certain seasons, this can be avoided by paying close attention during these seasons. Let's take a look at the following asthma treatments.
Asthma Attack Treatment: No Inhaler
To treat asthma attacks, no inhalers, the first thing to do is to identify the symptoms of asthma attack. The sooner one identifies the symptoms, the better. The next thing to do is move away from the trigger asthma. Sit in a well ventilated area and do not panic. Try to breathe slowly if you have difficulty breathing, calm down, to bring the heart rate down. Take a paper bag or something similar and try to breathe through that.
Asthma Attack Treatment: No Inhaler
To treat asthma attacks, no inhalers, the first thing to do is to identify the symptoms of asthma attack. The sooner one identifies the symptoms, the better. The next thing to do is move away from the trigger asthma. Sit in a well ventilated area and do not panic. Try to breathe slowly if you have difficulty breathing, calm down, to bring the heart rate down. Take a paper bag or something similar and try to breathe through that.
If you have an anti-allergy medicine or a drug for asthma, then take the drug. Once the breathing is relatively easier, try to get an inhaler. Remember to always carry with you no matter what. The key to emergency treatment asthma attack is to not panic or make yourself a panic patient, especially during an asthma attack in a child.
Asthma attack emergency treatment
In case of an emergency treatment during an asthma attack, not make her lie down the person. Do not crowd around the person and try to sit him in a way that it is easier for him to breathe. The next step is to make the person who uses his inhaler. For an adult, 6 or 7 puffs will be sufficient, while for a child, from 4 to 5 sprays are sufficient. If there are triggers of asthma on individuals, such as dust or even a pet, the distance of the person for them for now. Once the breathing is back to normal, asthma medications should be administered immediately.
Asthma attack home treatment
There are many home remedies for asthma attacks. If it detects the onset of an attack, then to drink something hot like black coffee or soup can really help the person. Some people a great advantage by increasing their vitamin C, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 intake in the diet to help prevent an asthma attack. Reducing salt intake helps in the same way.
Hot honey and ginger also help clarify how to pass and because the throat is clear, breathing is much easier. Among the many home remedies asthma attack is to breathe the fumes of oil of juniper dissolved in hot water for some immediate relief. This treatment helps to acute asthma attack. A mixture of mustard oil and camphor when rubbed on the back also helps during an attack. Caffeine helps to cleanse the respiratory system, so drinking coffee is a good idea.
Treatment for asthma attack
This is a quick guide for the treatment of asthma. The sooner these acts may be implemented, the better.
Make the person sitting in a well ventilated area preferably outdoors.
Administer inhaler puffs.
Giving medicines for asthma or anti-allergy medicine.
Remove the person from the trigger asthma attack.
If your symptoms do not disappear, visit a doctor or call 911 in case of an acute attack of asthma
The best treatment asthma attack is to be very careful about the seasons when it is more prone to an asthma attack. Remember to keep your inhaler close at hand.